How is the landscape its own magical character in this novel? Could you imagine this story taking place anywhere else or does the internal thematic engine grow organically from its environment?
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2 years ago

I didn’t know this book took place in New Mexico until I started reading. I think the setting is very fitting for the book and characters. There is a reason it’s called the Land of Enchantment!

Felicia Wolf
Felicia Wolf
2 years ago

Flowing River is the magical character in the novel. The narrator of the novel provides the Latinex flavor.

Betty J Hartman
Betty J Hartman
2 years ago

I believe the setting is perfect for this particular story. The only other place I could imagine would be New Orleans, but that would completely change large parts of the narrative.

2 years ago

Some of the descriptions of Albuquerque were spot on (I see you weird handmade billboards posted by the road lol) but it still missed the mark for me if going for immersion. It felt South Valley but hollow. There’s an aura there she just didn’t quite capture.
It is a fitting setting for this though, as bad a rap as the Albuquerque area gets it certainly has its eclectic charm.

Javier Fernandes
Javier Fernandes
2 years ago

The desert my home. Unforgiving yet serene. Beware of venomous snakes and the neighbors dogs. The smell of creosote after a rain. 80° at 3AM. Who lives out here? The desert my home and yes magical.

Blanca Briones
Blanca Briones
2 years ago

I would imagine this took place somewhere in Mexico.