If Sylvie Had Nine Lives chronicles a woman’s nine possible lives across several decades. She has her struggles and her flaws. Some of her personality traits come forward or recede from one life to the next. Do you think a person has an immutable self, or do we change depending on circumstance?
We change overtime with our life choices. I’m looking forward to starting this book asap
Hope you enjoy it, Alice. Thank you for joining Together We Read Canada!
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I know that I seem to change depending on the situation. For other people, I believe it depends on them.
I believe there is a constant thread within us but that we can make different life choices based on our circumstances.
I like to think we change as we grow and experience life’ trials and tribulatuins.
I believe we change over time and according to what is happening in our lives, the location we are in, and the people we are surrounded by
I agree with many of the other comments already posted. I see there’s a few threads that run through Sylvie’s life, especially stuff instilled by people like Aunt Merry. But I also see that her experiences mould the sort of person she is, and I think that is something that is especially true of people. Experiences shape us throughout our lives, and those experiences can cause reactions that lead to the reiteration of those experiences, leading to cycles or spirals. Interesting food for thought.